November 20 - 28, 2015.

"Scherzo" at 33th Torino Film Festival.



November 22 - 30, 2013.

"No more lonely nights" won the Special Jury Prize at 31 TFF (italiana.corti)

October 8-19, 2014.

"No more lonely nights" at 58th BFI London Film Festival


No more lonely nights_english presentati
Documento Adobe Acrobat 5.6 MB
Cartella Stampa
No more lonely nights_presentazione ital
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"No more lonely nights" won the Award for the Best Film (Remix category) at Mash Rome Film Festival in Roma (Italy)

"No more lonely nights" won the Best Video-Aural Interaction Award at MADATAC 06 (Madrid, Spain)



31 August - 10 September

"Miss Candace Hilligoss' flickering halo" at 68.Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica - Venezia

Pressbook / Cartella Stampa
Miss candace hilligoss' flickering halo
Archivio compresso in formato ZIP 7.6 MB

"Miss Candace Hilligoss' flickering halo" won the Award for the Best Shortfilm at LUFF - Lausanne Underground Film Festival


"Miss Candace Hilligoss' flickering halo" won the ICMA European Award at ICMC 2012 - International Computer Music Conference, in Ljubljana (SLovenia)


"Miss Candace Hilligoss' flickering halo" won the Award for the Best Experimental Film at "Corti And Cigarettes" International Short Film Festival, in Roma (Italy)


"Miss Candace Hilligoss' flickering halo" included in the List of Important Cinematic Works by jury of Alternative Film/Video Festival, in Beograd (Serbia) 


"Miss Candace Hilligoss' flickering halo" won the Award for the Best Experimental Film at Timishort Film Festival in Timisoara (Romania)